
Press release


Brilliant success means massive encouragement

Author: -c-

Excellent results were produced by the customer satisfaction survey regularly carried out by U. S. Steel Košice every year. This survey focuses on three areas, namely All Products, Flat Rolled Products and Radiators and Pipes, and the Company addressed a total of 112 strategic customers in various branches of industry.

We were interested in their views on the quality of our products and customer service, expressed in terms of ten categories. The customers were asked to assess product and service quality by giving grades from 1 to 5 in each category, where grade 1 meant the best and 5 the worst assessment. In the area of All Products our Company achieved the best result in the history of these surveys so far, which was a mean grade of 1.70, and in the area of Flat Rolled Products it was a brilliant 1.69.


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