
Press release


Shorter working time continues through June and in July too

Author: -c-

The complicated situation on the steel markets and persisting serious operational issues caused by reduced customer orders and restrictions stemming from the spread of coronavirus infection, as well as the generally unfavorable wider economic and financial situation, together resulted in the recent signing of a further agreement between U. S. Steel Košice management and the labor union organizations. The contracting parties agreed to consider the unfavorable situation in terms of paragraph 142 sec. 4 of the Employment Code, i.e. as a form of “other working constraint on the part of the employer” resulting in USSK employees not being assigned their standard workload between June 1 and July 31, 2020. For the duration of this obstacle, employees who are furloughed on a daily basis will receive pay amounting to 80% of their average earnings.


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