We do business honestly
and act responsibly
At U. S. Steel Košice we have a long tradition of honest business practice, and we act responsibly towards our employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. We regularly provide information about our business results in the financial, social and environmental fields, and in particular about our influence on local communities and the region we operate in.
U. S. Steel Košice is also one of the founder members of the Business Leaders Forum, an informal association of companies which since 2004 has systematically promoted the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Slovakia.

The values of our company are based on the so-called The Gary principles of Judge Albert Gary, one of the founders of the United States Steel corporation, which were set up very early in the 20th century:
- I believe that when a thing is right, it will ultimately and permanently succeed.
- The highest rewards come from honest and proper practice. Bad results come in the long run from selfish, unfair and dishonest conduct.
I believe in competition…that the race should be won by the swiftest, and that success should come to him who is most earnest and active and persevering.
- I believe that no industry can permanently succeed that does not treat its employees equitably and humanely.
- I believe thoroughly in publicity. The surest and wisest of all regulation is public opinion.
- If we are to succeed in business, we must do it on principles that are honest, fair, lawful and just.
- We must put and keep ourselves on a platform so fair, so high, so reasonable, that we will attract the attention and invite and secure the approval of all who know what we are doing.
- We do not advocate combinations or agreements in restraint of trade, nor action of any kind which is opposed to the laws or to the public welfare.
- We must never forget that our rights and interests are and should be subservient to the public welfare, that the rights and interests of the individual must always give way to those of the public.
Those key values are also embedded in our corporate S.T.E.E.L.

S afety first
Safety at work comes first
T rust and respect
Trust and respect are the basis of the approach to employees and partners
E nvironmental STEWArdship
Steel is produced with environmental protection in mind
E xcellence & accountability
We are excellence & accountable in our work
L awful & ethical conduct
Our business is in accordance with legal regulations
it forms the basis of the trust necessary for the long-term business success of our company.
We also require honesty, integrity and transparency from our business partners. These values have been binding for us since the first day we started doing business in Slovakia. From the beginning, we demand compliance with the law and ethical behavior from our suppliers as well.
The results of a responsible approach permeate all areas of our business and are also published cross-sectionally on our website.