On May 28 the U. S. Steel Košice Group published its integrated Annual Report for the year 2020, which comprises both financial and non-financial information about the impacts of USSK’s business activity in the social, economic and environmental spheres. It also describes the influence of the Group’s activity on the local community and the region. In his foreword to the Annual Report, USSK President Jim Bruno says: “In 2020 we celebrated the 20th anniversary of our starting business in Slovakia. Since the very outset U. S. Steel Košice has been a stabilizing force for economic and social prosperity in this region. We provide safe, stable and reliable working conditions for thousands of employees.
U. S. Steel Košice is a leader in occupational safety; we have set high standards and we have reduced injury frequency by 98 percent. For details visit https://www.usske.sk/en/about-us/corporate-info/financial-statements