





about the company

Ferroenergy s.r.o., a wholly-owned subsidiary of USSK, was incorporated in the Business Register on February 4, 2017. Since December 1, 2017 it ensures production and supply of electricity and thermal energy, compressed air, steam, as well as demineralized water and softened water. The Company uses primary metallurgical gases, generated as by-products in coke, pig iron and steel production, as a fuel. Another fuel is boiler coal and natural gas. Ferroenergy s.r.o. includes operations Boiler House and Machine Room and it employs 250 employees. As of January 1, 2023, the company was incorporated back into U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.


the boiler house

The Boiler House is a basic source power engineering operation which is focused on generation of superheated steam used for combined production of electricity and heat and other utilities for the needs of metallurgical processes at U. S. Steel Košice. The Boiler House has 7 steam boilers of which boilers K1, K2 and K3 use metallurgical gases (basic oxygen furnace gas, coke oven gas, and blast-furnace gas) as a main fuel and natural gas as an additional fuel. Boilers K4-K7 are coal boilers where coal is transported by conveyor belts from the coal yard located at the Cokery DP to coal boiler tanks.

the machine room

The Machine Room ensures high-pressure steam conversion to electric power, medium pressure technological steam, blast, compressed air, heat for heating, demineralized and softened water.
The Machine Room heating part main equipment ensures primary conversion of high-pressure superheated steam from the Boiler House (9.42 MPa/13.6 MPa 540°C) to medium pressure technological steam.
The Boiler House metallurgical part equipment ensures hot blast generation for the needs of blast furnaces and compressed air generation for the needs of the Oxygen Plant (oxygen production for Steel Shops) and for the company-wide compressed air distribution.
The Machine Room also includes the Chemical Water Treatment Plant producing demineralized and softened water.



Monthly enviromental reports and AMS protocols


F E R R O E N E R G Y  S. R. O.







Vstupný areál U. S. Steel
044 54 Košice
Slovak Republic

Company ID No. : 50 720 937
VAT ID No.: SK7020000119

Business register:
District Court Košice I
Sec.: Sro
File No.: 40717/V


Company Executive

  +421 55 673 4502


Company Executive

  +421 55 673 4890


Operation Manager Boiler House

  +421 55 673 4505


Operation Manager Machine Room

  +421 55 673 4141

Notice on processing of personal data - Privacy notes - according to data subjects

May 25, 2018 launches the effectiveness of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR). Since it's a regulation, it is binding to full extent and may be directly exercised in all EU member states. Personal Data Protection is one of the human rights and freedoms guaranteed by international legislation acts, moreover, legal order of the Slovak Republic guarantees it in its most important Act - the Constitution of the Slovak Republic. A new supportive act has been adopted in the Slovak Republic - Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on Personal Data Protection and on amendment of certain Acts, which shall enter into force on the same day.

Personal Data are a part of every person's life. Personal Data Protection is a quite broad issue, we don't usually notice it until our Personal Data has been misused and our privacy has been infringed. That's why it's important to know who, when, where has access to what extent of our personal data, and how they process them. Moreover, violation of Personal Data Protection entails a risk of stiff fines. Knowledge of regulations considering Personal Data is important not only for persons processing the data, but also for natural persons, whose data are being processed (data subject).

Contact: person responsible for personal data protection, tel.: +421 55 673 4737, e-mail:

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