Cordial handshakes and wishes of good fortune, health, happiness, safety and success at work were exchanged at the entrance to U. S. Steel Košice on December 31, just a couple of hours before the old year gave way to the new. While the majority of Košice steelmakers were spending New Year's Eve at home, in pubs or on the main street, or maybe even somewhere in the mountains, the factory could not and of course did not remain deserted. The coke batteries, blast furnaces, steel converters and rolling trains were “revved up” as usual, and as the shifts changed in the evening, the steelmakers arriving and leaving the works were greeted by the top managers of the Company, who wished them all the best and gave them sweet chocolate horseshoes for luck. Representing the management this time were Vice Presidents Marcel Novosad (Operations), Miroslav Kiraľvarga (External Relations, Administration and Business Development), Elena Petrášková (Subsidiaries and Services) and Silvia Gaálová (CFO), as well as the President of OZ KOVO U. S. Steel Košice Labor Union Council Juraj Varga.