Košice, 29 April 2022 – U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o. today published the names of organizations and projects that will receive support within the Together for the Region 2022 grant program. This year, a total of EUR 30,000 will be provided to support 11 projects in the Košice and Prešov regions, which are focused on educational and leisure activities for children, and on improving safety or environmental protection. A specific feature of all projects is the active involvement of employees of the steelmaking company. For 15 years, the Together for the Region grant program has been helping the development of community life in the region, representing a partnership between the private and non-profit sectors. The administrator of the program is the Carpathian Foundation.
Thanks to support from the program, children from socially-disadvantaged backgrounds will learn to separate waste, build community gardens, protect the environment and spend their free time more meaningfully. The projects also aim to revitalize community centers, including safer playgrounds. In the past 15 years, 130 projects have already received support in the program totaling EUR 324,400.
“We have always been part of the community in which we do business and live,” said Marcel Novosad, U. S. Steel Košice Vice President Operations, when the results were announced. “Our employees participate annually in the company volunteer days named Steelmakers for Košice, but they also actively work as volunteers in their communities, restoring castles, cleaning up the countryside, engaging in activities for children, and increasing safety in many human activities. Our values intersect and bring successful solutions to us in business and in the life of the region.”
For more information on the various forms of community support and on the Together for the Region program, please visit: www.usske.sk
List of supported organizations and projects in 2022:
- Centre for children and families DRaK, Prešov – Work breeds man – 1,930 €
- Košice-Poľov – Revitalization of Ladybug playground – 3,000 €
- Belža Village – Belža Fortress – 2,252 €
- Village Lenartov – Mom, Pop, let's sort the waste, it's ours! – 2,970 €
- Village Olejník – Together we are stronger – 3,000 €
- OZ Herbidus, Rimavská Sobota – The most beautiful view of the world is from a horse's back – 2,975 €
- OZ Lighthouse of Hope, Košice – We live healthy – 2,733 €
- OZ Our World, Vranov n/T – The early bird catches the worm – 2,940 €
- OZ We are not alone, Prešov – Learning and creating with a dog therapist – 2,500 €
- OZ Topľanská Lúčka, Lúčka – We enhance our Lúčka village area – 3,000 €
- OZ Creative workshop, Košice – Chance for Šaca – 2,700 €
For more information, please provide:
Ľubomíra Šoltésová
Media relations manager
U. S. Steel Košice
tel.: +421 55 673 4618
Additional information:
U. S. Steel Košice is an integrated steelmaking company producing iron and steel in Slovakia for more than 20 years. The product portfolio includes products with high added value used in automotive, packaging, electro- technical, consumption and construction industry. High quality of products and processes has been guaranteed by QMS ISO 9001, EMS, EnMS and further international certificates.
In its business, USSK follows the S.T.E.E.L. Principles stating that the safety and health protection of employees and other persons and visitors is on the first place. Confidence with and respect to employees and all partners also represents a priority, as well as activities aimed at protecting environment, ethical conduct and performance in compliance with legal regulations.
USSK is also a prominent corporate partner and a responsible community neighbor supporting regional development where its employees and partners live. USSK has been following these principles since its foundation in 2000 through supported education and environmental programs, activities organized for children and the youth, healthcare, sport and sport events, as well as projects dealing with OSH improvement at work and daily life. U. S. Steel Košice supports its active employees, respecting their generosity during company fundraising projects for charity purposes, developing their voluntary work in favor of the community. More information: www.usske.sk
The Carpathian Foundation has been supporting East Slovakia for 26 years, during which it has supported more than one thousand projects with a total sum exceeding EUR 3 million. The mission of the Foundation is to lead people and organizations towards responsibility for themselves, their community, region and future. Since its establishment it has provided financial support, counselling and technical support for active people and organizations who are interested in improving living conditions in this region. The Carpathian Foundation also supports and introduces innovative programs of informal education to enable people in eastern Slovakia to enjoy successful and quality lives. For more information visit: www.karpatskanadacia.sk