
Tricky Words in this week's OVI

Tricky Words in this week's OVI

This week's extracts have some good examples for comparison of word order in Slovak and English sentences. Sentences in this journalistic style of Slovak quite often feature an order of components Object-Verb-Subject, which is exactly opposite to the standard English order: "Za zručnosť […] sa celému kolektívu [...] poďakoval P. J. Mullarkey."

"Na ihrisko [...] prispela [...] aj spoločnosť U. S. Steel Košice." My impression is that this word order in Slovak puts the subject in a place of emphasis at the end of the sentence. It is possible to reproduce this in English using the passive (The team were thanked by Mr.Mullarkey), but in this case it would give the wrong emphasis in English. Another typical feature of these Slovak sentences is that they start with prepositions, something best avoided in English, except when the sentence starts with an expression of Time or Place.

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