I was wondering how best to translate "hneď" in this sentence from the Via Bona Awards piece: "Naša firma si z desiatich cien odniesla hneď dve." At first I imagined
Mr.Pitorák literally entering the hall and immediately making off with two awards - but only for a moment. Then there was the possibility that these awards were the first ones to be announced, so
the Company was presented with them straightaway. But probably not.
The meaning of "hneď" in this case is of course to emphasize USSK's success in winning twenty per cent of the available prizes as a single company, so I needed to find
an English expression giving the same idea. I thought about "at a stroke", but that is rather informal and inappropriate (literally "švihom"), so I decided on "at once", which does actually mean
immediately, without delay, but it also suggests "on one and the same occasion", which suits this situation.
Asi väčšina z nás už má letné dovolenky za sebou a sme späť v našich zabehaných koľajach.