This week I'm focusing on the word "splnit" (as in "splnit detske zelania"), because there's a difference in spelling (pravopis) between British and American English.
BrE spelling is "fulfil" and "fulfilment", but "fulfilling" and "fulfilled", whereas AmE spelling is "fulfill", "fulfillment", "fulfilling" and "fulfilled".
This is interesting, because normally AmE spelling maintains the single letter (travel stays as traveling and traveled, focus stays as focusing and focused, benefit
stays as benefiting and benefited), whereas BrE doubles the letter (travel becomes travelling and travelled, focus becomes focussing and focussed, benefit becomes benefitting and benefitted).
These words show how English spelling is getting even more independent from pronunciation, because although their written forms are different, this does not have any
radical influence on their spoken forms, since the pronunciation of these words is relatively similar in British and American English.
Pred chvíľou sa skončila demonštrácia v Bruseli, ktorú organizoval industriAll s podporou Európskej oceliarskej asociácie (EUROFER).